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Surfrider Foundation
942 Calle Negocio, San Clemente, California, USA
Region Active
North America
Non-profit group
Conservation of marine and coastal diversity, Water quality, Plastic pollution, Coastal access, Beach cleanups, Protection of marine life, Climate change
Surfrider Foundation is a grassroots non-profit environmental organisation that is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s oceans, waves and beaches, for all people, through a powerful activist network. Founded in 1984, the Surfrider Foundation has evolved into one of the largest non-profit grassroots organizations in the world with a volunteer-activist network dedicated to protecting our coasts and ocean. With more than 80 chapters, 100 student clubs and thousands of supporters, Surfrider's volunteers and activists are fighting over 100 active campaigns around the country at any time. Equipped with an activist model to defend our coasts, the organization has recorded nearly 800 victories since 2006. Surfrider's programs, including beach cleanups, volunteer water quality testing (Blue Water Task Force), and Ocean Friendly Gardens, remove approximately 170,000 pounds of trash from US beaches annually, and sample water quality in nearly 800 sites across the country. Surfrider has active international affiliates in affiliates in Japan, Argentina, Australia, Senegal, and throughout Europe. Sometimes referred to as Surf Rider Foundation (not correct, but not uncommon!)