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Point Blue Conservation Science: Marine Ecology Division
Formerly Point Reyes Bird Observatory,
3820 Cypress Drive, Petaluma, CA, USA
Region Active:
North America, Antarctica
Non-profit organisation
Marine conservation, Coastal marine conservation, Climate change, Marine protected areas, sustainable fishing, Marine research
Point Blue's (formerly PRBO) Oceans Division uses science to guide ocean ecosystem protection, conservation, and management. Their work is focused on both coastal areas and the oceans, including the impact of climate change, sustainable fisheries and improved ocean zoning strategies that protect wildlife and ecosystems by engaging decision makers and the public in support of healthy oceans. Active in California, Farallon Islands and Gulf of Farallones, Antarctica. Point Blue’s (formerly PRBO) 140 scientists work collaboratively to reduce the impacts of climate change, habitat loss and other environmental threats while promoting nature-based, climate-smart solutions for wildlife and people.