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Rocky Island

Marine Conservation organizations in North America, South America, Central America and the Caribbean

International Seakeepers Society

Coral Gables, FL, USA

Region Active

North America



Marine conservation, marine research, marine pollution, ocean literacy


SeaKeepers is an organization that unites the yachting community with the scientific and educational communities to facilitate conservation. Via their extensive range of programmes, they educate about the marine environments of the world and help restore them. Marine Science and conservation is supported by utilizing member yachts as platforms for marine research, educational outreach, and to deploy oceanographic instruments. These efforts eliminate vessel costs and allow scientists and educators to maximize funding towards research and education. Additionally community engagement programs promote conservation awareness and unite local participants in beach and dive clean-ups.

Diving at Raja Ampat on a reef with yellow fish  by Benny Frick


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Scubavox is a non-profit initiative with a focus on scuba diving and on marine conservation worldwide. The website includes a global database of marine conservation organizations and groups involved in the protection of the marine environment, and a blog on scuba diving and conservation-related themes. 

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