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Liga para a Proteccao de Natureza
League for the Protection of Nature, Liga para a protecção da natureza
Estrada do Calhariz de Benfica 187, Lisbon, Portugal
Region Active
Conservation, Conservation of marine and coastal diversity, Marine conservation awareness and education, Marine pollution, protection of marine life
LPN was founded in 1948, the oldest environmental NGO of the Iberian Peninsula. In its more than 73 years of existence, LPN has been distinguished with many international awards and some of the nation's most prestigious honors. Their approach to conservation places a priority on sustainable development, including quality of life of present and future human generations. Some of its major projects include the protection of endangered species such as the Iberian lynx, the cinereous vulture, and the stepparian birds of Alentejo, among others. The conservation of marine life and associated marine ecosystems are also a priority for action. Their Circular Seas project - Mares Circulares – launched in 2018, is a global project which encourages the circular economy, environmental awareness and training for waste management and the promotion of active citizenship at the level of volunteering. It aims to contribute to a change of mentality by promoting the creation of environmentally sustainable solutions to the problem of marine litter, in a society made up of more informed and responsible citizens with an understanding of that circularity.