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International Maritime Organisation


4 Albert Embankment, London, UK

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Maritime policy, Pollution of the sea


IMO is the United Nations' specialized agency responsible for safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships. IMO's Intervention Convention affirms the right of a coastal State to take measures on the high seas to prevent, mitigate or eliminate danger to its coastline from a maritime casualty. The International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation (OPRC), 1990 provides a global framework for international co-operation in combating major incidents or threats of marine pollution. A protocol to this convention (HNS Protocol) covers marine pollution by hazardous and noxious substances.

Diving at Raja Ampat on a reef with yellow fish  by Benny Frick


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Scubavox is a non-profit initiative with a focus on scuba diving and on marine conservation worldwide. The website includes a global database of marine conservation organizations and groups involved in the protection of the marine environment, and a blog on scuba diving and conservation-related themes. 

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