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The Ocean Foundation


Ocean Foundation

1320 19th St NW, Washington DC, USA

Region Active


Non-profit group



Marine conservation, Fundraising to support conservation, Funding projects


The Ocean Foundation supports, strengthens, and promotes organizations dedicated to reversing the trend of destruction of ocean environments around the world, by funding their projects. Amongst their conservation initiatives are the following : Blue Resilience, Redesigning Plastic, Ocean Acidification and Community Ocean Engagement. Their activities include a wide range of services and information, including: supplying expertise, training and technology; developing the sustainable blue economy concept with partners and through research; supporting island and coastal communities; supporting volunteering opportunities; and funding and supporting far-reaching practical projects in protection of the oceans and marine environments.

Diving at Raja Ampat on a reef with yellow fish  by Benny Frick


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The Company

Scubavox is a non-profit initiative with a focus on scuba diving and on marine conservation worldwide. The website includes a global database of marine conservation organizations and groups involved in the protection of the marine environment, and a blog on scuba diving and conservation-related themes. 

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