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Protect Ningaloo

Exmouth Gulf, WA 6707, Australia

Region Active




Marine advocacy, Protection of marine life, Coral reef protection


Protect Ningaloo is a grassroots initiative with the subtitle Save Exmouth. Ningaloo Reef off the coast of Western Australia (some 1200 kms north of Perth) needs the support of its nursery system in Exmouth Gulf, an ecosystem which has been under threat of industrialisation. While the Ningaloo Coast is a World Heritage site (as of 2011), the Exmouth Gulf itself is not, leaving it open to industrial proposals. Industrial corporations have proposed a new marine port in the area as well as steel pipelines to cater for offshore gasfields. In 2021 the WA government announced that it will protect Exmouth Gulf on the Ningaloo Coast by implementing a variety of conservation measures, including the formation of new conservation reserves in areas where major industrial developments were proposed. Nevertheless, the Protect Ningaloo continues with its campaign to ensure that the reef and gulf are fully protected against development. Ningaloo Reef is the world's largest fringing reef, and one of the longest near-shore reef systems in the world, which stretches 300km from Carnarvon's Red Bluff to the Muiron Islands in the north and Exmouth Gulf's Bundegi Beach in the east. Encompassing the Ningaloo Marine Park, the area is known for its corals, and marine life such as the whale shark, humpback whales, manta rays and turtles, amongst many others.

Diving at Raja Ampat on a reef with yellow fish  by Benny Frick


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