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Conflict Island Conservation Initiative
Conflict Islands, Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea
Region Active
Turtles, Conservation volunteering, Protection of marine life, Marine research
CICI’s goal is ‘to conserve, protect and enhance the natural environment and biodiversity of the habitats and species of the Coral Sea with a particular emphasis around the Conflict Islands Mission Blue Hope Spot in Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea, a critical part of the world renowned Coral Triangle and an important Turtle nesting site.’ Amongst other programmes, sea turtle conservation is one focus area, with a hatchery and nursery established in 2016. A volunteer program, allowing university students and recent graduates to gain practical experience. The program involves a combination of turtle tagging and monitoring, turtle husbandry and data entry. They work closely with communities to provide education, training and improve the conservation of marine ecosystems and associated species.