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Bunaken National Marine Park
Diving in the Bunaken area is without exception extraordinary wall diving on sheer vertical coral walls with phenomenal growth well into the depths
The Bunaken marine park is located just out of Manado Bay in the Sulawesi Sea, off the northern tip of Sulawesi, and features some 2 dozen diving sites spread across an area of 75,000 hectares and the five islands of Bunaken, Siladen, Manado Tua, Montehage and Nain.
Pulau Siladen
Accessed by boat, this dive site is a vertical wall packed with thousands of coral ledges. An exceptional variety of fish is present here, including bumphead parrotfish, Napolen wrasses, barracudas, grey reef sharks, big schools of unicornfish, snappers trevally in their numbers.
Mandolin Point
This dive site also comprises of a vertical wall. A wide flat reef top, dense with corals and tiny reef fish, extends out from the shore for 200-300 meters (656-984 feet). Descending down alongside the colourful walls in the 20-45 meter (65-148 feet) depth range there are huge numbers whip corals. Trevally, barracudas, monster dogtooth tunas, snappers, unicornfish, surgeonfish, groupers and rock cods are represented in large numbers among the dense population of reef fish.
Sachiko's Point
This site comprises a hard and soft coral vertical wall with an interesting profile of shelves, undercuts, overhangs, canyons, valleys, caves, cavelets and chimneys that drop away from reef flats full of small reef fish and dazzling corals.
5 - >40/16-131
20 - 35/65-115