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Mangrove Association El Salvador

Comunidad Ciudad Romero, Cantón El Zamorán, Usulután, El Salvador

Region Active

Central America

Community organization



Mangroves, Marine vegetation, Sustainable fishing


The Mangrove Association is a successful grassroots community organization that works to strengthen capacities, build skills, and advance agricultural practices to improve the quality of life of the population in the Bay of Jiquilisco, El Salvador, and in the process conserve the mangroves and the life they support for the benefit of the community. The association focuses on community organizing, food security, youth engagement, environmental conservation, and gender equality. The area they operate in is called the Bajo Lempa, located between the delta of the Lempa River and the Bay of Jiquilisco, in the municipality of Jiquilisco, department of Usulután. Jiquilisco Bay is a RAMSAR Wetland of International Importance and UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

Diving at Raja Ampat on a reef with yellow fish  by Benny Frick


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