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Marine Vegetation
Sea grass - Kelp and Kelp forests - Mangroves - Seaweed - Crayweed
A Rocha International
A Rocha is a Christian environmental conservation charity with projects around the world, and specifically marine-oriented in Kenya. A Rocha Kenya’s field study centre is on the coast opposite Watamu National Marine Park. The team monitors the health of the park, the coral reef and the important coastal mangrove forests of Mida Creek.
Ark2030 is on a mission 'to restore the 500 million hectares of ecosystems destroyed by mankind since the beginning of the industrial revolution'. A strategic and collaborative approach, working with specialist partners around the world, Ark2030 has developed funding models for environmental restoration programmes. They invest in the companies that are working to restore the natural world. Included in their sights are: Cleaning up the Ganges, restoring the global whale population, targeting plastic pollution in the oceans and on land, improving island eco-systems, developing mangrove plantations, protecting and restoring the Great Barrier Reef and other coral restoration programmes such as Coralive's Maldives project.
Bay Islands Conservation Association
BICA was founded to initiate and coordinate efforts for the protection of the fragile natural resources of the islands. To operate the organization has been divided into three chapters strategically located in each of the Islands, Utila, Roatan and Guanaja. The focus of their work is on environmental education, community development, protection and research & monitoring, and works with local authorities on the management of marine and terrestrial protected areas in the Bay Islands of Honduras. Amongst their many activities are included coral restoration, park patrols, marine water quality monitoring, monitoring of reef fish larvae, and protection of mangroves and seagrass.
Bazaruto Dugong and Seagrass Conservation Project
Part of the ongoing Dugong and Seagrass Conservation Project, whereby the capacity of coastal communities is built to implement sustainable livelihoods and conserve dugongs and seagrass, in this instance in Bazaruto Archipelago Region, Mozambique. This project will last from 2021-2024
Beneath the Waves
Beneath the Waves is a global NGO working on several initiatives, including the establishment of Marine Protected Areas (mainly Caribbean islands), conservation of sharks and the habitats they occupy, deep sea research, and Blue Carbon ecosystems. They work in many locations and oceans, including the Caribbean, the North Atlantic, and the Pacific.
Big Seaweed Search
The Big Seaweed Search first launched in 2009 under the auspices of the Marine Conservation Society and the Natural History Museum in the UK. Hundreds of people have taken part and the data gathered, alongside other research, show that the distribution of seaweeds around the UK is changing. The survey supports research on ‘three key environmental issues: rising sea temperature, the arrival and spread of non-native species of seaweeds, ocean acidification (the sea becoming more acidic because of absorbing carbon dioxide from the air.’ The website provides information about how to become involved in this citizen science project.
Blue Marine Foundation
The aim of Blue Marine Foundation (BLUE) is 'to combat over-fishing and the destruction of biodiversity – arguably the largest problem facing the world’s oceans – by delivering practical conservation solutions, including the creation of large-scale marine reserves.' This includes sustainable fisheries which will allow fish stocks to recover. Their reach includes the UK, St Helena, Maldives, Aeolian Islands, Ascension Islands, Caspian Sea, Namibia, Patagonia and Tristan da Cunha, amongst others, and includes seagrass revegetation, protection of kelp forests, aquaculture and the blue economy in a drive to protect marine life and the communities dependent on it.
Blue Resources Trust
Sri Lanka
Blue Resources Trust is a marine research and consultancy organisation based in Sri Lanka that aims to promote informed science based decision making to facilitate the sustainable use of marine resources. Their past and current research has focused on coral reefs, fisheries, sustainable livelihoods, marine protected areas, and the development of domestic and international marine policy. They consult in a wide range of marine related fields including field surveys, EIAs, technical advice, and project management. In addition, they facilitate underwater photographers and film crews.
Blue Ventures
Blue Ventures works at catalysing and sustaining marine conservation projects led by locals in places where the ocean is vital to local cultures and economies, and are committed to protecting marine biodiversity in ways that benefit coastal people. Based in the UK, they operate in Madagascar, Mozambique, Somalia, Tanzania, Comoros, Kenya, Belize, India, Indonesia, Papua New Guines (PNG), Philippines, Thailand and Timor-Leste. In Madagascar they have created the largest LLMA (Locally Managed Marine Area) in the Indian Ocean. Amongst their many projects, their aquaculture projects include growing seagrass and sea cucumbers. At the same time they offer volunteering opportunities. Blue Ventures is increasingly active in all facets of marine conservation, and highly effective in achieving positive change in local communities.
C3 Philippines
C3 Philippines established its first field station in the Calamianes islands in 2011, focusing on conserving the endangered dugong. It is considered the national lead agency for research and management of the species. C3 has successfully implemented a community-run dugong and seagrass conservation programme which involves local fishers enforcing bans on illegal fishing gear, assisting with Marine Protected Area management and monitoring and feeding back information on dugong sightings to the NGO.
Carmabi Foundation
CARMABI was established in 1955 as a marine research institute. Now the organization has 4 pillars on which it works: Marine and Terrestrial Research, Park Management, Nature and Environment Education and Consultancy. The research facilities host different researchers from all over the world to study the island's reefs. Park Management manages several national parks on Curacao: The Christoffel National Park; the largest national park of the island, an important Sea Turtle nesting area: Shete Boka National Park; The Curacao Marine Park, where they protect the reef and conduct scientific marine research, and shortly to be added is The Curacao Rif Mangrove Park.
Climate Foundation
The Climate Foundation is dedicated to moderate and reverse the effects of climate change in critical ecosystems. Their current focus is on Marine Permaculture with a view to the large-scale regeneration and open-ocean cultivation of kelp forests, both for food security and for carbon dioxide sequestration. They are working to restore the necessary circulation in the oceans which has been negatively affected by ocean warming, through wave- and solar-powered deep water pumps that sustain conditions conducive to forest growth. This technology is already being deployed in the Philippines, thereby restoring productivity to seaweed farms. Additional projects include one which involves reversing coral bleaching,