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Love the Oceans
Mozambique; Guinjata Bay, Inhambane, Mozambique; UK office: 22 Wycombe End, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, HP9 1NB, UK
Region Active
Non-profit NGO
Marine conservation awareness and education, Ocean literacy, Marine pollution, Marine conservation awareness and education, Marine research. Sustainable fishing, Protection of coastline, Coastal marine conservation, Conservation volunteering, Cetaceans, Protection of marine life
Love the Oceans is a UK-registered award-winning organization which supports work in Jangamo Bay, Mozambique. Jangamo, home to a huge host of marine life, has never been studied in depth for any prolonged amount of time. Love The Oceans supports the community to protect and study the diverse marine life found here, including many species of sharks, rays and the famous humpback whales, thus combining research, education and diving, and a strong volunteer programme, to educate and achieve a sustainable future. Their ultimate goal is to support the community in establishing a Marine Protected Area for the Inhambane Province in Mozambique, achieving higher biodiversity whilst protecting endangered species.